
Garden Diary - July 2024

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PAWS to Read, with Cats
Saturday, 13 July 2024

Today there is an event at the Hunterdon County library on Route 12. Tabby's Place will bring a couple of cats for children to read to. Recommended for children in grades K-5, who need to register in advance for one of the four, 20 minute long time slots. Two families at a time. They can bring their own book or read one of library's books. I won't be reading, but marked my calender to remember to come, see, then photograph. As I have in the past when the PAWS were on puppies.

Good thing the library has an elevator to the children's section on the second floor. One woman showed up from Tabby's Place with: two cats in carriers, two strollers, a bag of books and some other items.

There are a couple of small metal bowls, a bottle of water, and treats.
The top loading carriers make it easy to take cats out, and put back in.

The cats are probably older than their readers. One is 12 years old, the other is 14.

This is Grecca. Notice her left ear, with the tip cut off. It's a sign
that she was once a feral cat. Trapped, neutered, but not released.

Grecca wears a diaper because she is incontinent. When she first arrived at Tabby’s Place, Grecca was battling mammary cancer and kidney disease. Surgery and chemotherapy conquered the cancer and she is now years into remission. But needing help, she has her bladder and bowel expressed three times a day.

Some of the books from Tabby's Place, and one young visitor's Hello Kitty backpack.

This young girl is reading to Boobolah, the other tabby cat. I'm confused about this cat's name. If it is the Yiddish for "sweetie", then it should be bubeleh. Of course there's also bubbeh, for grandmother. Of course, they are sweet too.

And by the way, "tabby" is not a reference to Tabby's Place. It is the name for a very common coat pattern found in cats: stripes on the head, along the back, around legs and tail, and striped, banded, or swirled patterns on the body.

"See, cat," she seems to be saying, "you can see the picture that goes with the text."

Brother and sister. She's sharing with the cat, and he is paying attention too.

Daddy and daughter, sharing a book. Nice. Cat does not seem to be paying attention.

A tired cat. And there have been so many young readers to listen to.
But then again, maybe not. Cats are very good at just cat napping.

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